Sunday, March 30, 2008

Lately I've been reading this book.

Never before have I felt such a connection to the world community and the need to include food consumption into my theology.

In our prayers at church on Sunday, we include a prayer asking God to give us all a reverence for the earth as his own creation, that we may use its resources rightly in the service of others and to his honor and glory. And such it should be, for we been given a great gift.


ldamoff said...

We use that cookbook in Cote d'Ivoire. Its good stuff.

I am glad you are pursuing justice in all things, including eating. It makes me glad.


Jeanne Damoff said...

We received that cookbook as a wedding gift almost 29 years ago. The cover is long gone, and its pages are stained. Lots of healthy, delicious memories.

(Luke, you probably don't realize it, but "zalawoni" came from that book!)